Friday, December 7, 2012

Top 9 Healthy Foods For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is the perfect time to make good-for-you (and now good-for-baby) changes in your eating habits. After all, you’ve got a pretty special motivator growing inside your tummy. 

Top 10 Healthy Foods For Pregnant Women
The best foods for pregnant women are, no surprise, great foods for everyone. But there are certain foods in particular that provide the nutrients you need to grow the healthiest baby you can. Here’s what (and how much) to eat while pregnant:

#9 Eat just enough
Eat just enough

That whole eating-for-two thing? A big misconception. If you’re starting your pregnancy at a healthy weight, you need to eat only 300 extra calories a day — that’s about a cup of low-fat Greek yogurt and a whole-wheat English muffin. If you’re underweight to begin with, or are carrying multiples, your doctor may suggest you eat a bit more; if you’re overweight, a bit less. The sweet spot for pregnancy weight gain is 25 to 35 pounds (unless you’re carrying multiples). Stay in that range, and you’ll not only lower your risk for having a baby who’s too small or too large, but you’ll also reduce your risk for gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.

#8 Protein 


Protein is the foundation of any healthy diet — its amino acids are the building blocks of every cell in your (and now your baby’s) body. High-protein foods have other benefits, too: They keep your blood sugar stable and hunger at bay (and that helps quash those junk-food cravings). Some of the best proteins for pregnant women: eggs, lean meat, fish, low-fat dairy products, edamame, beans, nuts, and quinoa.

#7 Low-fat dairy

Low-fat dairy
 It’s all about the calcium, Mama. Your baby needs it for his growing bones, and you need it to keep yours strong. This mineral also helps your muscles and nerves function, too. If the only milk you drink is in your (caffeine-free, please) latte, try these ideas for downing more dairy: Order up a yogurt smoothie on your way to work, nibble on string cheese, pour a glass of calcium-fortified orange juice, or steam some spinach with dinner. To get the most calcium out of each serving, look for foods that are also fortified with vitamin D, which boosts absorption.

#6 Flaxseeds

These little wonders are packed with omega-3 essential fatty acids, most importantly a type called DHA. These healthy fats are referred to as “essential” for a few good reasons: The body can’t make them on its own, they help metabolize fat-soluble vitamins like A and E, and they’re critical for the development of your baby’s eyes and brain. (Both the brain and retina are primarily composed of DHA.) Drizzle flaxseed oil over your salad or sprinkle ground seeds over cereal, yogurt, or soup. Other omega-3-rich foods include salmon, avocados, and walnuts. One thing to remember: Omega-3s and DHA may be healthy fats, but they’re still fats (i.e., high in calories) — so keep your total intake to 30 percent of your daily calories.

#5 Lean beef

Lean beef
Meat is high in iron, a critical component of red blood cells — so not only does your baby need iron to develop his supply, but you need it for yours since your blood volume can increase by as much as 50 percent when you’re pregnant (which explains why anemia during pregnancy is so common). What’s more, iron builds that little brain by strengthening nerve connections. If you’re not a carnivore, dish up dark leafy greens, cooked dried beans, quinoa and lentils, dried fruit and tofu. Try to pump up your iron intake with something high in vitamin C, which increases absorption. Red bell peppers, citrus, tomatoes, strawberries, and kiwi are all tasty sources.

#4 Lentils

One of the most important nutrients for pregnant women is a B vitamin called folic acid, and lentils are packed with it. It has a powerful protective effect against neural-tube defects like spina bifida, a disorder in which part of the spine is exposed. Because the benefit is so significant — and most effective very early in pregnancy (usually before you even know you’ve conceived) — most cereal, pasta, bread, and rice products are now fortified. You can also find folic acid in dark leafy greens, asparagus, and great northern beans.

#3 Colorful fruits and veggies

Colorful fruits and veggies
Load up on any kind of green, yellow, orange, or red fruits and veggies you like (juices and smoothies count!), especially sweet potatoes. Colorful produce is packed with good-for-you phytochemicals, especially beta-carotene. The body converts it to vitamin A, which is critical for the development of your baby’s eyes, skin, bones, and organs. One word of caution: Watch your intake of “preformed” vitamin A. It’s found in some supplements, fortified foods, medications, and skin products (look for the word retinol on the label as a clue). Unlike beta-carotene, which is completely safe during pregnancy, excessively high levels of preformed A can increase the risk of birth defects.

#2 Popcorn

Air-popped popcorn is an easy way to up your intake of whole grains, which makes popcorn something you’ll want to eat while pregnant. Popcorn and other complex carbs are packed with fiber (a boon if you’re dealing with constipation), plus their starchiness helps quell nausea. Aim for a variety of whole grains, such as whole corn, rice, oats, quinoa, wheat, and barley, and you’ll also up your dose of a slew of baby-building vitamins and minerals, like the B’s, iron, and more.

#1 Water

Water pregnant
Now’s the perfect time to spring for one of those stainless-steel water bottles — fill it up and take it wherever you go. Those eight cups a day help you and your growing baby build new cells, deliver nutrients, flush toxins, and more. Water also makes your tummy feel full, so you’re less tempted to reach for chips or cookies. Plus the dangers of dehydration are real: It can up the risk of early labor. The good news is that water from all sources counts (100 percent juice, milk, soup, decaffeinated coffee, and tea), so don’t stress too much if two quarts a day of plain old water is, well, too much to swallow. Focus on total fluid intake and you should be all set.

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